Analytics and Feasibility

Analytics and Feasiblity

The baseline analysis and feasibility stage consists of three distinct task areas:

  1. Site identification and baseline energy analysis: working in concert with the customer input to assess candidate facilities, obtain electricity usage and cost information, and assess potential areas for solar.
    • Considerations include changes in energy use from facility expansion, as well as electrification including electrification (HVAC, etc), EV charging, electric forklift conversion and charging, etc.
  2. Technical potential phase: create preliminary designs on the identified locations, with iterative refinement of solar designs based on stakeholder feedback and input.
  3. Economic potential phase: refine designs and assess estimated installation cost and economic benefits resulting from solar, again with iterative refinement based on customer input.

Collectively this process resulted in both a full analysis and a list of recommended sites specific designs, costs, and savings/payback analysis.