Penta Career Center Solar

Enerlogics’ TEN NINE Energy subsidiary is the developer of a 1.3 MW solar project for Penta Career Center.

The fixed-tilt, ground-mount array is located on six acres at the southernmost point of Penta Career Center’s property, visible from I-75. The project will provide an estimated 58% of the electrical needs for Penta. The project utilizes First Solar’s Series 6 panels and was installed by GEM Energy. AEP OnSite Partners owns the array and will sell power to Penta through an agreement that will save the school an estimated operating costs savings of $1.7 million over 30 years. The solar project was constructed with no costs upfront for Penta, and enables Penta to: include the study of solar power in the educational curriculum, reduce expenses, and offer a competitive advantage in attracting and training students.

Project Name: Penta Career Center Solar
Location: Perrysburg, Ohio
PPA Offtaker: Penta Career Center
Interconnection: Toledo Edison
Key Dates:
  • Construction start Spring 2020
  • Commercial operation September 2020
Investor / Owner: AEP Onsite Partners
EPC: GEM Energy
Drone flyover of the array is below.

Click here for more information on Enerlogic’s Solar Services.


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