Duquesne Demand Response

Administrator for the Duquesne Light Demand Response Program for Phase 3 of the Pennsylvania Act 129 Programs.

Client: Duquesne Light
Location: Pittsburgh PA
Engagement Start: 2016
Key Accomplishments: As the complete provider of a turn-key demand response program, Enerlogics has enabled Duquesne to achieve realization rates in excess of 100% of the targeted demand reduction in the first summer of the program operation (summer of 2017).

Enerlogics is the administrator for the Duquesne Light Demand Response Program. Enerlogics has been acting in this role since 2016. Awarded under a competitive RFP, Enerlogics was selected to provide these services under a multi-year performance contract.

Key program activities include:

  • Program design and program management
  • Program launch and development
  • Development and enrollment of all client faciliities
  • Program operation including dispatch, monitoring, and performance reporting
  • Program reporting and EM&V
  • Financial presentations and accounting

Click here for more information on Enerlogic’s Demand Response Services.


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